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October 7, 2024


Dear Friends in Christ,


Walk in Love is the theme of our stewardship campaign this year. The question is, how does one do that in a broken world?


Jesus calls us to heal, visit, accompany, protect, advocate, feed, and help each other…to love our neighbor. Whatever we have and however we hear God’s call, we can learn how to Walk in Love from each other as we come together in this community to give what we can to a world in need. 


Sharing our time, talent, and treasure is how we learn to live as Jesus lived…to Walk in Love.  During this season, we focus on the importance of your financial support and how it is necessary to enable St. Paul’s to continue, and hopefully increase, our witness to God’s love in the world. 


As you discuss a financial commitment with your family and pray about your pledge to St. Paul’s, discern how God is calling you to Walk in Love within our community and the world around us. Every gift matters and each gift will be accepted and blessed before God and our community on Sunday, October 27th. 


Thank you for your generosity and prayerful consideration of your pledge to St. Paul’s.


Walking with you in love,


The Stewardship Committee


Kitty MacDowell, Julie Gedro, 

Erin A. Glanton, and Douglas H. Kelley

ways you can donate:

You can send a donation or a pledge card via mail to 25 Westminster Road, Rochester, NY 14607.


Click the button above to connect with our e-giving page. Use the memo line to designate your gift.


Contact Lisa Werner at



Text PAUL to 73256.


To pledge, please take the time to fill out the information below.

I/we plan to fulfill this pledge:

I/we plan to fulfill this pledge:
In lieu of a financial commitment at this time, I /we pledge time, talent, and prayers.

I/we will pay our pledge by:

I/we will pay our pledge by:
In lieu of a pledge, I/we will mail a check, which is restricted to the 2025 budget.
I/we will go to to make a donation by credit card.
Please contact me/us about setting up payments via electronic funds transfer (EFT).
I/will mail a check(s) to 25 Westminster Road, Rochester, NY 14607

All quarterly pledge and gift statements will be sent via e-mail:

Like last year, all quarterly pledge and gift statements will be sent via e-mail:
I/we prefer to receive a printed copy of our contribution statement.
I/we would prefer to give anonymously.
I/we will go to to make a donation by credit card.
Please contact me/us about making the gift through stocks or securities.
Please contact me/us about including the church in estate planning.
I/we have included St. Paul’s in our estate planning.
I/we would like to receive offering envelopes.
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