adult faith formation

Sunday forum
at 9:00 AM
We offer various programs each of which support at least one of our key formation areas. The programs vary in length and content. This format allows those with different needs or interests to choose the programs work for them.
See the Notices, Bulletin Boards and the TV in the Parish Hall to learn about what is being offered.
Past offerings have been: Episcopalian 101, Parables, the Church after the Disciples, the Cosmic Christ, Saints (ancient and modern), and more.
Contact rpicken@stpaulsec.org for more information.
past sunday forums: catch up here!

Other Opportunities
As the opportunity or need arises, we offer additional education opportunities to help deepen the faith of our parishioners and friends, including: book groups, retreats, the annual Lenten Soup ‘n Study and more. Keep an eye out on the Events page for more information.
Contact rpicken@stpaulsec.org for more information.